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Eddie is an acronym from Expandable Development Disks for Innovation and Experimentation. It was a mobile robotics development platform using Microsoft’s Robotics Developer Studio. When Microsoft cancelled the development of their platform, I started to modify it with Ubuntu Linux operating system. My goal to use ROS (Robot Operation System) and Python as a programming language.

I will plan to use Eddie mechanical parts. I lost Eddie Control Board because of a USB connector split off from the board. I will use Arduino Mega and Roboclaw Motor Controller instead.

My first goal to use Arduino Mega Micro Controller Board and Roboclaw Motor Controller. Eddie has an odometer, sonars and infrared sensors inside. I will use a Nvidia Jetson Nano with Ubuntu Linux, Python programming language and the Qt graphical interface. I will use ROS 2 (Robot Operating System)

After that I will install SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) Nav2, navigation package. It is based on ROS 2. I will use Lidar (Light Detecting and Ranging) is a main component. Eddie can also use a Kinect camera and other cameras,

The final step to install magnetometer for MF-SLAM. I will create magnetic maps and Eddie will navigate using these maps in indoor environment.

It is very ambitious goal. It can take about 4-6 months to proceed. Fortunately my club USAi Labs will provide help. I will start a blog telling my progress. My adventure begins!